Applied Art: Title page

In most cases there is no separate frontispiece, but the title page itself is embellished with some decoration. A separate category of these are the title pages designed by big names in art history, such as René Magritte, Man Ray, Joan Miró and Pablo Picasso. Their designs are often more original than the average decoration with garlands, but it remains applied art, in the sense that the visual design is combined with the title, the composer and the editor. The result may be a little more artistic than the usual editions, it still remains a practical object of use.

Garage, a song by the Belgian surrealist E. L. T. Mesens (1903-1971) on a poem of the French author Philippe Soupault (1897-1990). The cover was designed by the American photographer and film-maker Man Ray (1890-1976). The publication dates back from 1921 but the straight design looks surprisingly contemporary. B-Bc P-2-00464.


The score of Projections for string quartet by the composer Francis Miroglio (1924-2005) is dedicated to the artist Joan Miró (1893-1983) who also designed the cover. B-Bc BV-10-6860.


Ragtime by Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) with the legendary cover drawn by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). B-Bc E03877.


Soir sur l’eau, a song by August De Boeck (1865-1937) with a cover designed by René Magritte (1898-1967). B-Bc 36263.


The title page of Trama 12 per 12 for violin solo by the Spanish composer Xavier Turull (1922-2000) contains only text, but its design is particularly graphic and is situated between Eastern calligraphy and abstract art. B-Bc BV-10-2377.     The title page of Trama 12 per 12 for violin solo by the Spanish composer Xavier Turull (1922-2000) contains only text, but its design is particularly graphic and is situated between Eastern calligraphy and abstract art. B-Bc BV-10-2377.