It was the wish of the composer himself that his works would find their place in the Brussels conservatory. He had a great admiration for the institution. There he enjoyed a sucessful training by eminant professors such as André Gertler, Charles Scharrès, Jean Absil and Léon Jongen. The international character and the attention to musical traditions in dialogue with innovation were an inspiration to him. He was an enthousiastic teacher there for many years. These factors all influenced his choice. Above all he hoped to enrich the collection and the working of the library. The donation took place in 2000.
The core collection is formed of autograph scores and parts, expanded by editions and some recordings.
The following year, under the initiative of his wife Anne-Marie Steens, a large selection of his personal library was also gifted to the conservatory.
The title descriptions of the autograph works are intigrated into the online database of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. The additions of the library of Cabus is currently in progress.